Explore Our FAQs for a Smooth Shopping Experience!
Your insights are invaluable! Share your feedback and further inquiries at support@englishmountainoutdoors.com.
Q. Where are items shipped from?
A. Items are dispatched from our warehouses and factories in the US & China. Multiple item orders may ship separately from different manufacturing specialists.
Q. What is the estimated delivery time?
A. Delivery takes approximately 7-30 business days, varying with product and destination.
Q. When will I get my tracking number?
A. Expect your tracking number within 2-5 business days post-purchase.
Q. Can I order from any location?
A. Absolutely, we cater to customers worldwide.
Q. Is there a shipping fee?
A. Enjoy free global shipping on orders above $70!
Q. In which currency will I be billed?
A. All transactions are processed in USD, despite cart display in multiple currencies.
Q. Will I get an order confirmation?
A. Yes, an order number is provided to all customers. Reach out if you don’t receive one within 24 hours.
Q. Who should I contact for order-related issues?
A. Direct all order inquiries to support@englishmountainoutdoors.com.
Q. What payment methods are accepted?
A. We welcome Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and Amex.
Q. Is the checkout process secure?
A. Your secure shopping experience is assured with us.
Q. Will my email be shared or sold?
A. Your email is safe with us, used only for order follow-ups and sending promotional newsletters.
Q. Are customs fees applicable?
A. Most countries incur no customs fees, though it depends on your location.